[3333] [DEAN Lo HOUSTON)
[N. Dean, Ne,v York, to Sam Houston, June 8, 1836, con• gratulating him on the '"short but brilliant campaign in Texas. Tn this great city, your name is on all tongues.. . . ''J (3334) [GOLIGHTLY to QUITMAN) ·Camp, 5 m. E of La Bahia, June 8th, 1836. Dear Captain [John J. QuilmanJ- we have had hard times since you left us. For 13 days we Lived on beef alone. Our company never halted till within 20 miles of the Guadalupe, where we lost our horses, and, after hunting them for five days, recovered them and went to Victoria, where we arrived six days after the Mexican army had left. When the Texan forces came up we moved lo La Bahia, where we saw a force of 1000 Mexicans retiring from Bexar, bu l in consequence of the armistice there was no fighting, very much against the will of some of us. Capt. Strickland, 'of ours,' with 10 men, set out this morning to escort Gen. Woll beyond our outposts on his way to Mexico. On our march to Goliad we passed Fanning's battle-ground. There is no particular military advantage in the place he selected. The bones ·of those who were burned, and of those who were shot at Goliad, were buried on the 4th inst. with the proper rites. We found the place so intolerable on account of the stench, and provisions and forage so scarce, it was resolved to return to Victoria, to which place the main army moved on the 6th, leaving our company to protect General Woll. [Lt. Thomas J. Golightly J
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