''fallenn like Lusifer to use not more."-But if the remnant of the Mexican-Army make a stand, the strong probability is the war is intended lo be continued, and even that reinforcements are expected-& probably some orders received to that effect from the acting Executive al !Vlexico. And the certainty of the intention on their part to Continue the War, will be fairly well ascertained, if the treaty, if one is concluded by Santa Anna, is rejected by the Congress there, without some friendly explanation, leaving to interior hopes of such an event.-And in the former case, what does good policy dictale should be done·with Snn la Anna, & even the prisoners taken with him? I have thot1ght much of it, and am compelled to the conclusion that this in case of the continuance of the War by the Liberals, now in power, & who are Santa Annas known decided Enemies, as Texas, will have nothing to hope from them that on bending the former by all, that he and all civilized men hold sacred, & taking alert of the prisoners, & binding them in like manner not to make war up on her, unless duly ex~hanged, you should uncasse the & oi:i this helps, and let him go & fight his own Enemies & the enemies of Texas. For if he escapes, he gets clear of all obligation towards here whatever. If it is not asking too much I should be gratefied to hear from you, & to learn the State of affairs-and especia11y especting a treaty if formed and its term-any thine you desire to be considered If it is not asking too much J should be gratefied to hear from you, & to learn the State of affairs-and especially expecting a treaty if formed, and its terms-any thine your desire to be considered confidential shall be so. From the best information, Volunteers from Keny. Ohio and Indiana are coming or have gone down the River in considerable force-I believe the Texian Army will be near 400 in a month. A draft has taken place here-and in the [torn] town about which I think will send several hundred. If the Genl. has patience, if the Enemy determine to fight he will be able to cut them up. I want to gel from amongst the Captives a smart Mexican boy, who can read Spanish he would suit me better, about 15 or 16 year old-I have him bound to men until he becomes of age, if he is wiUing to com; which I think is hardly to be doubted. Jf your Excelly. should have no objection & give my
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