Gobicrno dcbc cstar persuadido <Jue tales oferlas Lendran su cumplimienlo llcgada la vez, pues se hacen no por el bucn parecer o por olra innoble mira, sino con la de ser utiles cuando a ellos se necesite. Y lengo Ja salisfaccion de poner en conocimicnlo de V. E. eslas demoslracioncs del mas acendrado palriolismo, para qne el Escmo. Sr. Presidente determine lo que crea conveniente. Dios y libertad. Toluca J unio 8. de 1836.
Valentin Canalizo. T. Noriega Srio.
E. S. Srio. de Guerra y Marina.
r33301 [CARSON to HOUSTON]
Steam Boal below Nash-ville June 8th 1836
My Dear Houston now far more dear than ever-
How shall I adress you? not in the cold formality of a Government officer, nor can I find language sufficiently warm & forcible lo express my feelings. Such was my Joy upon the confirmation of your glorious & unparalelled achievement that 1 was positively declared insane for twenty four hours by a Physician who was passenger on board the same boat and under the manifestations of Joy on my part has been the subject of announcement to l\'lrs. Carson & other friends ever since. I would have remained in Nashville to have seen you if I could have learned with any degree of certainty that you would come there, bul it was rumored yesterday that there was greate apprehension of the amputation of your leg becoming necessary. I was much relieved however by a Gentleman on board a Boat we met this morning direct from New Orleans that you were much better & considered out of danger though he thought it doubtful whether you would come up to Nashville or return to Texas. Do let me heare from you at Washington City. Advise me what is best lo be done in the event of on immediate recognition by the Govt of the U.S. What aught l to do with regard lo forwarding more troops? Would it not he prudent lo establish a coridor of posts on al least keep up an efficient army on our western frontier, till all difficulties are selllcd? You are doubtless aware that Santa Ana has made a requisition upon his Govt for five thousanrl additional troops with two hundred officers. A report has also reached this country that five thousand had renclesvoused at Saltillo & were lo march upon Texas Lo reinforce the present army. 1 hav(•
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