June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3327] [BURNET to PATTON)

[David G. Burnet, Velasco, to William Patton, Precinct of Jefferson, June 8, 1836, ordering him to take possession of all horses, mules, cattJe, and portable property belonging lo the government.] [3328] [BURNET to WILCOX)

Executive Department Republic of Texas Velasco 8th June 1836

To Mr. Charles Wilcox Sir

You are hereby authorized and requested to seek out and take pos.session of any horses, mules or other cattle, belonging to the public, lo be found within the precinct of Anahuac; and should you find any such, in the possession of any individuals, you will, upon full proof being made of its being public property, take charge of the same, as of all other portable property of whatsoever description, found as above. And you will report and turn over all property, so taken, to the Chairman of the Committee of Safety of your precinct. For the above purposes, you are authorized to employ any aid that circumstances may render necessary. David G. Burnet [3329) [CANALIZO AND NORIEGA to TORN EL] Ecsmo. Sr. Cerciorado el Prefeeto de Mextitlan <le la prision que sufre el Ecsmo Senor General benemerito de la Patria D. Antonio Lopez de Santaana por los rebeldes Colonos de Texas, ha manifeslado a eslc Gobierno en ofieio de 21 de mayo <lei presenle ano, que la Milicia de aquel lugar esta pronla para prestar toda clase de Servicios: que los pueblos de su Distrito, se hallan en la mejor disposicion para contrihuir hasta donde puedan a vengar los ultrajes hechos a la Nacion por los perfidos Colonos y que el Supremo


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