June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

menl of Texais lo mccl all demands of every kind whatever. I know her resources to be unlimiled-I know she is determined to pre::ser[ ve 1 her good faith lo aJl her creditors-but some little Lime will b~ [re] r1uired to command her resources-not probably over sixly days-and perhaps les::s wiJl enable the Government to make such an exposition of her means, as will satisfy the public, that site will be enabled to meet all her demands. In the mean time however, money will be wanting and every ec[on l omy must be exercised lo meet unavoidable cash demands. As evident of my own confidence in her good faith and punctuality, l hereby hand over to the Agency, of my private funds Five Thousand Dollars, as a loan to the Government, returnable in Sixty Days from date, out of any funds accruing to the Government of Texas. Signed-Robert Triplett New Orleans 8th June 1836 A true Copy Samuel Ellis Sec of Gent Agent- [3319) [BURNET to ALLEN] [David G. Burnet, Velasco, to John K. Allen, Precinct of nacogdoches, June 8, 1836, ordering him lo take possession of all horses, mules, cattle, and portable properly belonging Lo the government.] [3320] [BURNET to BEVIL I (David G. Burnet, Velasco, to John Bevil, Precinct of Jasper, June 8, 1836, ordering him to lake possession of all horses, mules, callle, and portable properly belonging to the government.) [3321) [BURNET lo BRADSHAW I [David C. Burnet, Velasco, to James Bradshaw, June 8, 1836, ordering him to lake possession of all horses, mules, cattle, and portable properly belonging lo Lhe government. J


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