satisfied that my time and my talents can be more agreeably & usefully employed, in a less q11eslionahle attitude, and in an humble Sphere. In declining the appointment I do admit that there are other reasons which under other circumstances I would be impelled to declare. In conclusion permit me to express the hope, that Govern- ment will suffer no derogation in your hands; and that the time is not far distant, when your constituents will confess, what reason now declares,-that in the late measure wluch you proposed, you were enlightend by wisdom, justified by policy and governed by honesty. I am very respectfully your obt Servt
John A Wharton
[3318] [BRYAN to BURNET)
Agency of Texas New Orleans June 9th 1936
To His Ex. D. G. Burnet President of Texas Sir
In our last respects we named that Mr Triplett had been unable to assist us. We have now the satisfaction to ad [d] a Loan from him of S5000 (as pr memo. annexed) to fil out the Liberty and meet such demands as are absolutely necessary. We shall send off the Liberty in five or six days. We have a report to day that Santa Anna has been liberated by the Executive, we know jt to be without foundation, and have been much gratified by the universal expression of the public feeling against such a measure. The popular feeling throughout the U States is that Santa Anna never should he liberated until your Independence is secured and that no faith can be placed on any promises or Treaties made by him, so ardent is the public feeling on th"is point that the first news asked is if Santa Anna is still secure, and if there is any chance of his escape. I have the honour to be &c Yours Respectfully Wm Bryan Agent
[Attached: j
I beg leave to say to Mr Wm Bryan, Texian Agent in New Orleans that I have the utmost confidence in the ability of the Govern·
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