June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

Guan tas noticias comuniquen a V. E. sobre alteracion de la tranquilidad en el interior de la republica, son falsas, porquc au11que hay conatos, al gobierno sohra poder para frustrarlos, como se ha fruslrado el que aparecio en Guadalajara, con grande escarmienlo de los facciosos. Active V. E. sus medidas para evilar la seduccion en el cjcrcito, pues que los rebeldes de Tejas, y sus agentes aqui, no perdonan arbilrio para que perdamos esa preciosa parle de la republica. Firmer.ta, Sr. general, digni<la<l y energia, y cuente, tanlo con la omn_imoda confianza del gobierno, como con mi sincera adhesion y afecto. 0ios y libertady. Mexico, Junio 7 de 1836. - Tomei. Escimo Sr. general D. Jose Urrea, en gefe dcl ejercito de oper~ciones sobre Tejas. [3317) [WHARTON to BURNET]

Eagle Island June 7th 1836

To David G Burnet President of Texas Sir

In declining the appointment which you have had the kindness and partiality lo offer, I am anxious Lo satisfy you, that I have acted solely with an eye lo the public good. I beg of you lo believe that it is not the imposing and critical Junctures in public affairs that awes me: those who know me will attest that, 1 have ever "bar'ed my bosom lo the storm" and even in the very eye and flash of danger have presented myself. Yet I know full well that when calamity triumphantly stalks abroad in the land, when no person is too high, and no merit too sacred for ils poisoning touch, that should an individual fall herewith the bar of public opinion, no matter what may be his virtues or his attainments, however elevated his standing, or transcendent his Lalenls,-that for public employ- ment, his "knowledge is rendered useless, his wit ridiculous, and his genius contemptible." Under this conviclion, and believing that the opposition which I made to the principle of insubordination, (that has just recovered the fatal Sanction!,) and that the honest evidence which I have upon the occasion in behalf of Government, would,-in these excited limes, be~ considered, (should I join the Cabinc~t) as the unprincipled efforts of an hired allorncy,-1 feel


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