3690. Financinl Affairs Papers. Tx. 369 I. Not located. Mentioned in Yoakwn, History of Texas, Jl, 182-83.
3692. A. Huston Paper-s. Tx. 3693. A. Huslon Papers. Tx. 3694. Lamar Papers. V. 103-104. 3695. William A. Philpott, Jr., Collection. Dallas, Texas.
3696. Lamar Papers. J, 416. 3697. Consular Papers. Tx. 3698. Wade. Burnel, 66. 3699. Exec111ive Record Books. Tx. 3700. John Forbes 'rapers. TxU-A. 3701. A. Huslon Papers. Tx. 3702. A. Huslon Papers. Tx.
3703. Andrade, Documentos. 2. 3704. Lamar P11pers, 1, 416-17. 3705. Comptroller's ~llers. Tx. The Williams in the text is not 1he same man as the writer of the document. 3706. Broadsheet. TxU-A. Streeter. A Bibliography of Texas, 111241. 3707. Executive Record Books. Tx. • 3708. Barker, The Austin Papers. III. 396-97. 3709. Bassett, Correspondence of Andrew Jackson, 413-14.
31I0. A. Huslon Papers. Tx. 37 I 1. A. Huston Papers. Tx. 3712. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 3 713. DuhIan and Lozano. Leg~/acion Mexicana, 111, 186. 3714. Barker, The Austin Papers, 111, 399-401. 3715. Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky.I, July 20, 1836. See 113719. 3716. Broadside. CtY. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #880. 3il7. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 3718. A. Hus1on Papers. Tx. 3719. Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky.I, July 20, 1836. See #3715. 3720. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 3721. Consular Papers. Tx. 3i22. Executive Record Books. Tx. 3723. Filisola, Memorias (Cumplido), I, 386. 3724. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx.
3725. Not found. Mentioned in #3727. 3726. John Rice Jones Papers. TxU-A. 3727. Lamar Papers, l, 417-18. 3728. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 3729. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A.
3730. Lamar Papers, I . 419. 3731. Urrea. Diario, 79-81. 3i32. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 3733. United States and Mexi"co , • , (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351. 18381. 594. 3734. Daily Journal (Louisville. Ky.), August 25, 1836. 3735. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 3736. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 3737. United Stales and Mexico . . . (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 18381. 797-98. 3738. United States and Mexico . . . (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351, 1838 l, 796-97. 3739. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. 3740. Copy in Domestic Correspondence. Tx.
3741. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 3742. Lamar Papers, 1, 419-23.
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