3278. David G. Burnet Papers. TxU•A. "Geo Durst's" should read ..Jno ·Durst'a," 3279. United S1111es a11d Mexico •.• I W!!eh., 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 351. 18381, 809-10. 3280. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. Addreued to Do,·id G. Burnet. 3281. The Texas Almanac for 1861. 3282. Quarterly of the Te:cas State Historical AMociarion. IX, 19S. 3283. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 3284. M. B. Lamar Papers. Tx. 3285. Telegrnph a11d Texas Register, Sepiember 20, 1836. 3286. Executive Record Books. Tx. 328"i. Executive Record Books. Tx. Ste 13080. 3288. Executive Record Books. Tx. Rusk·s address was printed in Correo Atlantico INew Orleans). July 4. 1836. 3289. G1mison, DiplomDtic Correspondence of the Texu Revolution. I, 421. 3290. Archivo General de Me.x. ico Papers. Tx. 3291. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. Tx. 3292. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 3293. Copy in Republic of Texas. Gt'neral File. TxU-A. Her sister wu S,lly Menefet". 3294. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. Haden is Haden Edwards. 3295. Copy in Consular Papers. Tx. 3296. Broadside, entc.'red from facsimile in DocumenlO$ para la Historia de la GUl'rr• de Teja3, 113. Streeter, A Bibliography of Te.m. N86J, 3297. Ga.:ette (Little RockI, July 5, 1836, quoting an extract onl)·· 3298. Consular Papc.'rs. Tx, 3299. Consular Papers. Tx. Another draft, marked "Duplie11te," has a sliihtl)' variant reading. 3300. Martin Van Buren Papers. DLC. . 3303. Foote Texu and the Texan5, I. 25S-60. A footnote rt11ds: The 1..nter of thl5 3301. Complroller's Letter!. Tx. Marked "No. 39." 3302. Niles Register rnaltimorel, August 6, 1836. .. . was ~•boy of IS years of age when he entered the army with Captain W11rd·s company. He will be 21 50metime this month. Robt, G. Hardowny. Uncle o.f S. G. Hardaway. February l, 1841.'' 3304. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 3305. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 3306. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. _T~. • 3307. United States and Mexico ••. (Wosh.. 2:,th Cong.. 2nd~-- H.E.D. 3;,J. 18381. 810-11. 3308, Copy in A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 3309. Domestfo Correspondence. Tx. There ntc.' 36 signatures on the petition. 331 0. T. J, R 11s k Papers. TxU-A.
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