[3763] [NELSON to WALLACEl
Matagorda, July 21, 1836.
Capt. J. W. E. Wallace,
Wishing ralher to be useful than an expense to the Govern- ment,] have deferred enroling myself; hut have always been ready, in case of emergency, to act my part as a patriot, phylanthrophist, and soldier. But as appearances of emergencies are growing more remote-lest the sincerity of my pretentions should be distrusted by my much respected friends and worthy countrymen-I hereby request you to enter my name on your muster-roll for the term of three months. Very respectfully, I am, Dr. Sir,
Your devoted friend and mosl obedient
humble servant, Joshua Neh,on,
[Endorsed:] Joshua Nelson enroled on the 5th August 1836 in my Company of Texan Volunteers subject to the order of the Com- mander in Cheefe J. W. E. Wallace Capt.
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