1 send also the copy of a letter from Major M. n. Menard, the ~gen~ of (ndian a ff airs in the republic of Texas, containing a concise l1sl of tJ1e several tribes of Indians rcsidinu for the most part within the disputed territory, and in part wilhi~ our admilled limils. Very respectfully, your most obedient servant.
Erlniund P. Gaines, Major Grncral com 'g
Hon. the Secretary of War, Washington city.
Philadelphia, July 21, 1836. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister pleni- polr.nliary of the Mexican republic, has just read in lhc "Morning Courier and New York Enquirer" of yesterday, a paragraph copies from the "Grand Gulf (Mi$issippi) Advertiser," of the following tenor: "'This morning, more than two hundred men, commanded by Colond Wilson, and on their way lo Texas, passed this place in the Tuskina, with drums beating and fifes playing; they will be followed by thrne hundrr.d more, all from old Kentucky." If Lhis statement be true, it will of itself offer a sad evidence of what has been unfortunately for some time indicated, namely, Lhal some of Lhe agents of the Federal Government in the States do nol comply as thr.y should with the express instructions of the Executive, in cases which might jeopardise its friendly relations and neutrality with rr.gard to ~foxico. The undersigned therefore considers il his duty lo call th~ allcntion of the honorabl1~ Mr. Forsyth, Secretary of State of these Unikd Stales, lo lhc su bject, h1~ing convinced that thr. rcquisilt1measures will be taken hy lh<: dc!parlmenl under his charge for ascertaining the: truth of the statement, for punishing those who have: infringt:d the laws, in case th1:y sho11ld have b1~cn rrally infring«:d, amt for remedying the evils which may otherwise 1:nstW, if it bt) not too late~. It is ccrlai11ly with th1: utmost rq,rr1:t that the un<lcn;ignc·d finds himself obliged lo prd1:r l.hl'SC complaints with rq;:,rd lo functionari<~S so rm;pcclahlc- :uul so worthy of lht• i:0111id1·111·t• of
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