June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

~fficcrs and mariners of such vessel will be subject to all the penal- hes attached Lo a breach of blockade. Th_is ~ecree shall take effect as to vessels sailing from New O~le?ns .wtthm three days after its publication in that city, and w1tlun five days_ as to vessels from any other neutral port within the Gulf of Mexico, within twenty days as to vessels sailing from any of the Ports of Europe. . Done at Velasco on the 21st day of July A D 1836. And the first of the Independence of the Republic of Texas. David G. Burnet [3759) [GAINES to SECRETARY OF WAR] Headquarters, Western Department, Camp Sabine, July 21, 1836. Sir~ I have received, by an express from Nacogdoches, in the present hour, a letter from Lieutenant Bonnell and some of the civil authorities in Nacogdoches, reporting the arrivaJ at that place of news that several of the Indian tribes south a.nd west of Fort Towson had entered into a hostile combination against the United States, and had attacked and kilJed nine white men near the old Delaware Lowns, about sixty miles to the southeast of Fort Towson, and not far distant from the Sulphur prairie; that the inhabitants near the fort had gone thither for protection; that 100 volunteers and 100 regular troops had been ordered from Fort Towson in pursuit of the offenders, and that it was apprehended, as they had not been recently heard from, they were overpowered and cut off by the Indians. It is further reported that, soon after the fall of the Alamo, the President, Santa Anna, supplied many of the Indians referred to in Mr. Bonnell's letter with arms and other military stores. I have reason to believe that General Arbuckle is now at Fort Towson, as I some weeks past desired his attention to this frontier during my intended visit to Pensacola, whither the ill health of my wife rendered it extremely desirable that I should go speedily. For this purpose r applied for a leave of absence, but having since learned that her health had somewhat improved, ~o as to enable her to visit her friends in Mobile, I had concluded to


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