June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3313] l Ml LLER Lo HOUSTON I

Matamoras Slate of Tamaulipas Mexico June 7, 1836

To General Sam Houston or any officer commanding under him in Texas Sir

This will be handed you by Senor Pedro Sawyencan he is on his way to the United States wilh a drove of mules any assistence you can render him will be done to a gentleman who comes strongly recommended lo your

Obt St. William P. Miller Majr. of 1st Legion of Cavalry of Texas



(Elizabeth Robcrls, Port Gibson, Lo Sam Houston, June 7, 1836, desiring lo know where her husband is, whether Fannin was actually killed, and slating: "Jf you should want any of the papers you lefl in my care they are in my large trunk in Capt Swishers care." J (3315) [SEGUIN to RUSK] [Juan N. Seguin, Lt. Col. Cornell., Comandancia de Bexar, to Thomas J. Rusk, June 7, )836, concerning the withdrawal of Mexican troops from Texas.]

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