June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

!n tlire~ weeks, amount to 3,500 men. Col. Crockctl's supplies has Jt~sl arrived here; he left the colonel's son, with 200 men, a short distance from lhe army. As soon as the reinforcements now on their way arrive, it is expected they, with the troops here, will march to and attack Matamoras.

l Capt. Bridges Schooner Archerj



Executive Department Velasco 21 July 1836

To Messrs H. Porter, Wm Dempsey, P. W. Gilman, Sam Hawes & others. Citizen Soldiers.

Your memorial, dated White hill Camp July 21st, is this moment presented to me. The Government and the people of Texas know how to appreciate the generous and chivalric motives, which prompted you to abandon the comfort of homes, abound- ing in all the good things of life, to peril your lives in defence of our liberties; and we only regret that we have not the means of contributing more largely to your comforts. Major Burton has the reputation of a brave man, an enter• prising officer and a gentleman, and his inability to equip you according lo his alleged promise, is probably to be attributed to the general destitution of the country. You are doubtless at liberty to choose your own mode of service and lo elect your own imme- diate officers. If you have been disappointed, in your expectations in the Ranging Corps, you arc free to attach yourselves to such other portion of the Army as you may prefer. And I doubt not you will be found doing your duty like good men and gallant soldiers, wherever you may be. Your engagement lo ~lajor Burton will be considered absolved by your incorporation wilh the main Army. Your Obl Servant David G Burnet


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