June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

army, the supposed rising of the Northern Indians, the nonratifica• tion of the first loan and the neglect of the present Government to correspond with us and ratify our powers and appointment, presented insuperable difficulties. We were consequently only enabled to obtain a loan in New York on very disadvantageous terms, which has been submitled. Our main object in effecting this loan was to obtain the 10 pr cent. We did not bind ourselves to recommend its ratification and did not expect thal il would he ratified unless the prospects of Texas were gloomy even to desperation. Subjoined is an account of our receipts and disburse- ments. Very Respectfully yours etc

B. T. Archer S. F. Austin Wm. H. Wharton

Velasco 21st July 1836

[3755) [BRIDGES to-----]

Galveston Bay, July 21. Sir: I arrived here on the 17th, after a passage of four days, and was convoyed down by the Independence, com. Hawkins, off the bar of Galveston. I saw the Texian schooner Brutus and brig Durango. I could not learn that the Mexicans had a single armed vessel at sea; the schooners Invincible, captain Brown, and Terrible, (formerly the Union), captain AUen, have gone on a cruise along the coast of Mexico. The Mexican army (about 3,000) are still at San Patricio, 125 miles from Victoria, where they concentrated after the batlle of San Jacinto; they have made no movement since. It is reported that 500 Lroops are al Matamoras; hut no they apprehend an attack on thaL place by Lhe Texian army, they are somewhat certain to remain there. Our army ,(200 infantry and 500 cavalry) arc at Victoria: the cavaJry made an excursion a few days ago in the immediate vicinity of lhe Mexican encampment, and brought off a few prisoners. The cabinet is al Velasco, but expect to remove to Matagorda. Santa Ana and Almonte are yet at Columbia, with the army; and rumor has it that Santa Ana is to be tried. Gen. Coss and the other officers are at Galveston Island. It is supposed that our army will,


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