[3753) [TOBY to BURNET)
New Orleahs 20 July 1836
To His Ex.cellency D G Burnett Esqr Velasco Dear Sir
The Flora has been detained for three days past for want of Steamer to take her to sea. We regret it inasmuch as the Volun- teers on board of her, have become dissatisfied, and we have had rain nearly all the time. We calculate to get the Good Hope off tomorrow, with about 130 Volunteers, & there are others to leave in the Julius Ceasar on Monday. We have offered all the Volunteers every clis- patch possible, but the want of means prevents us from fitting them out with arms and ammunition as we should like to do.-We hope you have sent us the Scrip as desired, to obtain the Bal due on the first Loan. The last accounts from Washington, are to 1st Inst. En- closed we hand you a copy of the proceedings in the Senate. on that day which is quite flattering & we do not hesitate to believe that when Mess Collinsworth & Grayson reach there. The Indepen- dence of Texas will be recognized.-The Hostility that existed in part of our community against Texas, (or rather a certain kind of population among us) appears to be dying away and they are coming round.- By the Good Hope we shall send you some clothing & probably some provisions, hut our limited means prevent us from doing more.
Yours Respectfully Thomas Toby & Bro-
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