June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7



No. 10. lnvoice of Sundries Shipped hy Thomas Toby & Brother on board Brig Good Hope, Outbri<lge Master, hound to GaJveston by order and for account and risk of the Republic of Texas: 300 Sacks Corn 857½ Bushels at 6lt 523.07 Drayagc l0.62 533.69 45 do do 111 Bushels@ 62½c 69.37 Dray age 1.50 70.87 83 do Beans 180-9/100 Bushels@ 2S 360.18 2 Cases containing Dray age 2.62 362.80 ] 2 clox Strip\! twilled pants 2 " Duck do @ 8.50 20 " do Shirts @9.00 24 ,, white cotton do @ 6.50 Drnyage 5 Casks containing @9.50 17.00 180.00 156.00 .37 114.00 467.37

24.00 21.00

@3.00 @3.00 43.00 60.00 156.25 70.50

8 Russia Iron Camp kettles 7 Large Tjn Coffee Boilers 43 doz. pint Tin Cups

@ 1.00 @ 1.00 @ 31¼ @ 371/2-

60 Large Mes.s Pans

500 6 lb. Shot Cannisters

188 Tin Cannisters

7.50 1.50

5 Cask for packing Orayage


28.32 45.00 .75

354 lbs. @8e 450 " @ JOt Drayage

59 6 lb. shot 50 9 lb. do

74.07 1892.55 94,63 Dolls 1987.l8

Commissions@ 5%

New Orleans 20th July 1836 Thos. Toby & Bro.


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