[3751] [ST. JOHN lo JACK)
Mobile 20th July 1836
Wm. H. Jack Esqr. Secy. of State. Texas Sir
Your complimentary and highly gratifying letter of the 1st June was duly received. Sickness in my family, the pressing cares of business and a desire to see the freedom ofTexas consummated previously has delayed or prevented an earlier acknowledgement. That my exertions in favor of suffering Texas have been considerable, and that they have been appreciated by your Government, will ever be a source of satisfaction.- Still I trust my aid and my exertions have been greater, in the most trying period of yotfr conflict, tJ1an either the Government, or my friends in Texas are apprised of- Should it be my good fortune lo visit this fairest portion of our continent, I shall not only listen, with pleasure, to the details of your struggle in the cause of freedom, but shall feel an in ward satisfaction from the consciousness of having been instrumental in staying the slaughter of the blood- thirsty and ruthless tyrant and, in slopping the progres.5 of a merciless foe in their crusade against citizens as well as Civil Liberty. We are waiting the next accounts from Texas with intense anxiety. Should fortune and a just cause lead you to triumph in the next conflict, as we have reason to hope, I trust Lhe ravages of war will depart from your territory and that your citizens may return to the cultivation of Lheir soil, and reap the reward of their sacrifices and their devotion. In my communication to Messrs. ·McKinney & Williams on the 22nd Feby last, I suggested the importance when peace shalJ have been restored of having suitable encouragement offered by premiums on the best crops of cotton, from the smallest to the largest (either by Agricultural Societies or by direct bounty from the Government) to encourage that in growing and completing the "cultivation, which will render "Texas Collon" as prominent abroad as her soil is superior lo her neighbors, in the cultivation of the greatest commercial State upon earth.
I have the honor to be very respectfully Your Oht Servt
Sarni St. John Junr.
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