June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

~enls per _acre, and also for the premiums, it being distinctly stated m the Scrip, that you arc to pay surveying fees &c.-

Rc.spcctf ully Yours Wm. H. Jack Secy of State



Head Quarters Victoria 20th July 1836

Dear Gen!

It afforded rne very great pleasure last evening to recch•e your leller of the 5th clay of July from San Augustin. I am sorry to hear that your wound is yet so bad. l trust it will soon get weU. I would like greatly lo see you. If time would permit I would write you a hjstory of our proceedings. Since you left us al San Jacinto I have· suffered every embarassment and difficulty from the operations of the Cabinet every means seems to have been adopted by them for the destruction of the Army and it has been with the utmost difficully that I have held a clisconcerted force together the tendency of their measures have not only been injurious to the Country but they seem to have put all their means in requisition for my destruction. I have been slandered and almscd in unmeasured terms by them. I would like much lo see you and sincerely hope your wound will soon be so you can come out. The enemy ha\'e made three allcmpls to march from ~lattamoras ~ul have failed in their plans so far. They are I understand collecting a large force of Cavalry up about Saltillo and ~lonclova. l have out spies and scouts beyond the Nueces and have sent a detachment by Bejar towards Laredo. Genl. Green and Genl. Muston are with me. Genl. 1-louston moves out tomorrow lo the Snn Antonio River with the Ca\'alry. I have moved all the families back between tJ1is and the Nueces anJ have driven back a portion of the cattle and shall continue to do so. I wish in a few clays to giveBejarashake. We have some news here of an arrival of some lwo or three hundred troops from the U. Slates at Galveston ]sland. J do not know how true it is. Give my bcsl respects to all our old friends and accept the assurance of my highest esteem.

Truly your friend Thomas J. Rusk Rrig. Genl. Comg. f 505

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