might be redeemed in land at fifly cents per acre, and that Lhe lenders agree to relinquish all the other con<lilions of the conlracl, except the mode of transferring Scrip and titles, the Government agrees lo give lo them a premium of thirty two leagues of land; lo be divided between the two loans, in proportion to their amounls, the takers of the first relinquishing their priori Ly over the takers of the second and any one else. Allow us to ask for what purpose was this immense premium given? Is it not clearly obvious, lo every one, that the relinquishmenl of Lhis preference and priority was the primary and only consideration to the granting this bonus. Texas was not then, nor is she now in a situation to sacrifice every principle ofjustice to her own citizens and Lo many others al the shrine of generosity. No matter what emotions of gratitude may be aroused in our bosoms, towards those who have kindly proffered to aid us in our struggles, still we recognize the doctrine that nations, as we11 as men, must be just before they are generous. It is not insisted that the original contractors were bound by .-the modifications they had clearly the right to determine for themselves, and inasmuch as they have not acceded lo it, the Government avows that the proposition is to be considered as withdrawn. As to the amount of money which has been already advanced, this Government pledges itself to use every means in its power for the speedy payment of Lhe same, in a manner, which shall be honorable to itself, and fully satisfactory to all parties concerned. In conclusion, lo satisfy you of the liberal intentions of this Government, we propose to pay reasonable interest on the amount which has been already advanced. Or we wiJt give land at fifty cents per acre, and a proportion of the bonus, as to the amount advanced, is to the amount contracted to be loaned, in the manner contained in the modified contract. Or, lastly, we are willing lo consummate the modified contract according to our understanding of it; and for Lhis purpose, Thomas Toby Esq. our agent, will be instructed, so soon as you have paid to him, the balance due by the contract, or satisfactorily arranged Lhe same, Lo issue, in your favor, Scrip for the full amount of land, at fifty
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