direction thal you demand your passports and rel11rn to the United Stales, bringing with you the archives of the legation. Mr. William A. Weaver, who is sent as a special messenger with this communication, you will dctuin until you can frame a full reporl to Lhe department, as lo the slate of the business of your mission, as well that under the charge of ~Ir. Butler as that inlrusted lo you. You will also send by the messenger, on his return, (if they can he prepared within a reasonable time,) copies of Mr. Butler's despatches Nos. 14, 23, 52, 53, 54, 58, and 84, the originals of which were never received; and of all his corres- pondence wilh the Mexican Government and with others, on pubLic business, so far as the J1ecords and files in the legation will allow you lo do. Mr. Butler was repeatedly instructed to supply these papers, but lhe instructions have nol been complied with. The expense of the transcripts required will be made a separate charge in your accounts, and will be accompanied by proper vouchers. During Mr. Weaver's necessary detention, you will avail yourself of his assistance in making the copies. He has received five hundred dollars on account of his expenses lo Mexico. You will furnish him with a like sum lo defray his expenses on his return lo Washington, for which your draft on the deparlment will be honored. I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant,
John Forsyth.
Powhatan Ellis, Esq.,
Charge d'Affaires of the United States, Mexico. [3749] [JACK to MAIXJ
Department of State Velasco 20th July 1836
To Thomas 0. Maix Esq. Chairman of the meeting of the contractors of the Texas loan. Sir.
f h' I am instructed by the President and Cabinet o l 1s Republic to acknowledge the receipt of a !~Iler from Robert Triplr.lt Esq under date of 30th l\lay, enclosmg a copy of the
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