June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

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armed schooner Bravo, hoarded by lwenty armed soldiers under the command of two officers, who forcibly Look the master, crew, and passengers from the \vreck, pillaged them of most of their clothes, and chained them in the hold of the Bravo until their arrival al Matamoras, where they were continued in co11finemenl; but through the urgent representations of our consul there, all but the captain were eventually released. It is now known to the department that he has yet been liberated, or that any satisfaction has been offered by the Mexican Government. On the 17th of February last, William I lallell and Zalmon HuU, citizens of the United Stales, were arrested in the streets of Matamoras by a party of armed soldiers, who struck Hull in the face with a sword, and forcibly look both to the principal barrack in that city, where they were confined upon suspicion of being about to proceed to Texas. Shortly afterwards, sentinels were placed at the doors of the consul's residence, under false pretences, and all communication with the house prohibited. Armed soldiers broke open his gate during his absence, forcibly took a mare and two mules belonging to him, entered his house with drawn swords, and searched every room in it, for the avowed object of finding the consul. Hallet and Hull have been released, bu l the deparlment is not aware that any reparation has been made for the proceedings against them, or for the insult to the consul. In February last, an attempt was made at the city of Mexico to take from Mr. W. A. Slacum, protected by a courier's passport from this department, public despatches of this Gover- nment, addressed to Mr. Butler. The attempt failed, but Mr. Slacum was fined and detained for carrying official letters on his person, authenticated by the endorsement of this department, and directed lo the charge d'affaires of the United Stales in Mexico. In March last, the schooner Eclipse was detained at Tabasco, and her master and crew maltreated by the authorities. In April last, the brig Jane, schooner Compeer, and other merchant vessels of the United Stales, ,vere forcibly detained at Matamoras, You will aJso notify the Mexican Government that it is expected any damage which may have been sustained by citizens of the United States, in consequence of the recent embargo at


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