and good neighborhood with her Government and people. He is satisfied, however, that further delay in the acknowlcdo-mcnl if 0 , not in the redress, of the injuries complained of, cannot he acquiesced in, compatibly with the dignity, rights, and interests of the United States. He therefore directs, that in presenting to the notice of that Government the case of the Northampton, you will make a fresh appeal lo its sense of honor and justice in relation to our claims generally; and, to show that the President's estimate of the grievances suffered by our citizens resorting to Mexico, especially since the conclusion of the treaty, is not exaggerated, your note will refer to the following cases, in which the interposition of this Government has been asked for since the 5th of April, 1832, and all of which either you or your predecessor has heretofore been instructed to bring lo the notice of the Mexican Government. On the 31st of December, 1831, an alcalde of Menolillan, in the colony of Guazcualco, insliluled what is said lo have been an illegal, arbitrary, and oppressive proceeding against Doctor Baldwin, a citizen of the Unile<l Slates, under color of a suit at law, preferred and carried on by a creature of the ale al de himself. B,1ldwin appeared before the alcaldc to answer the charge; an altercation ensued; and the alcalde ordered him to the stocks, which Baldwin refusing to submit lo, attempted lo escape, and was pursued by a party of soldiers, who attended the court. In the race, Baldwin fell, received an injury in one of his legs, was captured, carried back into the presence of Lhe alcalde, placed in the stocks. and afterwards imprisoned. In February, 1832, the schooner Topaz, of Bangor, Maine, was employed by the Mexican Government lo carry troops from Matamoras lo Galveston Bay. The master and mate were murdered by the soldiers on the passage, the crew imprisoned, and the vessel seized and converted lo the Mexican service. On the 21st June, 1832, the American schooner Brazoria was seized in the port of Brazoria, by John Austin, the Mexican military commandant in that quarter, and employed to make an attack upon Anahuac, then in pos.session of in:;urgcnts. During the allack, she was injured so as lo be made unseaworthy, and was abandoned as a total loss, for which the underwriters h,we received no compensation.
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