Velasco, July 20, 1836.
Our army is still at Vicloria, upon the river Guadaloupe. L~mar had arrived thereagreebly lo the last accounts, and presented hnnself as Commander-in-Chief of the Tcxian forces; hut with all his popularily, was unable to ohtain the concurra11cc of the army with the wishes of the cahinel. The question was put to vole, whether he should enjoy the chief command, or Rusk continue in his former capacity, until the arrival of Gen. Houston. The mailer was decided by an overwhelming majority in favor of the two latter gentlemen; so that Rusk remains Brigadier General commanding and the authority of Maj. Gen. Houston will be recognized so soon as he arrives in camp. Lamar is said to have behaved in his usual disinterested and patriotic manner. The army in the field, al this lime, is two thousand strong. Col. Wilson's regiment will soon be in marching order. The whole country is up and moving on to camp. The old settlers arc determined to redeem their injured crerlit, - undeservedly injured, as the great majority of them could not have acted differently, and secured their families from the blood-thirsty violence of a ruthless and semi-barbarous foe - and they are now flocking onwards, lo prove to an inividious world that their arms are as strong, and the spirit of liberty burning as brightly in their hearts, as it ever-did in the olden time, when the independence of their mother country was in its cradJe, and rocking amid the elements of internal discord and foreign recklessness. . . Felix Huston has been promoted lo the rank of Brrgadter General by brevet. Green still enjoys the commission which he appeared to prize so highly in New-Orleans. They are both in camp. Santa Ana, the ill-fated nncl fallen despot, is now in Columbia, and has the pleasing anticipation of being shortly escorted lo the army, and there receiving his sentence! a detachment has been ordered in for the purpose. You may hear of a catastrophe before many weeks have elapsed. J anticipate it with positive certainty. r.li$crablc indecision, in not having inflicted upon him ''death or worse punishment" immediately after his caplurc, when the act woul<l have been upheld uncl justified by the whole civilized world. Gen. Rusk has ordered the ~lcxican families on the Guaclalu pc, and La Baca, and those who were likely lo nff onl
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