June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

men you can for at least Four t\lontlis service, su bjccl Lo Le called out at any time.

Very respectfully Yo1,,1rs&c Thomas J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Com<lg.

By order Saml A. Dexter Aid De Camp


Galveston Island. .) uly 19, 1836


Until further orders, you wiJI, when troops arrive al this Post, forward them by water, with as little delay as possible, lo Lynn's Warehouse, Matagorda Bay, then lo the Head Quarters of the Army, where they '\-viii report to the Commanding General .-And you will rec1uire the Quarter ~laster al this place Lo render you all the facilities in his power, for that purpose. To Col. J. ;\Jorgan. Col Commdg. Galveston Island [3746] Rcsptlly yrs. A. Somervell Secy of War


July 20-Went to Velasco lo meet B. T. Archer and W. H. Wharton (who had returned a few days before from the U.S.) for the purpose of making a return of our mission to the U.S. as commissioners We made our report and rendered an account of all the monies we had recd. and disbursed for Texas, and accompanied those with all the original vouchers, which were passed to the Auditor for examination- Archer and Wharton at this time requested that 1 would be a candidate for the Presidency of Texas- B Hardiman, S. Rhoads Fisher and many others also requested it- [Stephen F. Austin 1


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