June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

Afler joining the army again I was clcctccl a captain of a volunlcer eompa11y composed principally of !hose who made Lhcir escape with me. J was Ll,en in a few days ordered to this place to La~e _charge of Gen. Santa Anna, who is our prisoner. Since having t!11s 1mporl_anl personage entrusted lo my keeping I have not had Lune lo write you or even think of home; such is the cxeiteme11L against Gen. Santa Anna the inhabitants of the country arc deter- mined that lie sliall never leave Texas alive; therefore ii re<1uircs every al Len lion for his safe keeping. Since 1 have liad charge of him there has been two attempts lo kill him, but without succe~s. 1 have just received orders to take to the army Gen. Santa Anna, for a purpose I do not know. but am fearful that it is for no good. My heal tit is good. Your affect. Brother, Abner S. ~lcDonnld. I l will be needless for you to write lo me as it will be altogether uncertain where f shall be ordered lo, and we also have lo dcpe11d upo11 private convcyauce. (3744] [RUSK to WALLACE]

Head Quarlcrs Victoria 19th July 1836

To Capt J. W. E. Wallace

You will proceed with that portion of your Company con sisting of married men, in pursuil of Lite Indians spoken of in your Express, should tl1ey aino1111t in number to Twenty. If not you will take at least Twenty Men for that service. When you ascertain any thing important as to the number or movements of the Enemy, you will not fail to communicate immecliatcly by express to me. The y<>ttng men of the Company you will leave for the present under the command of the Lieutenant at the Ranclio, untiU further orders from Head Quarters. A report lrns just reached Camp that Deaf Smith is taken by the ~lexicans, lmt I hope it is not true. He has however been out Twelve days, and I lutvr no intelligence from him. Some men havr. just arrived in Camp from the Rio Grande, but 1 have not hall Lime lo interrogate th~~lll ycl. In your return llomc, yo11 .ire licrcby authorized lo enroll m; you su~P:;tcd all tlu'

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