June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3743] [McDONALD lo 'McDONALD}

July J 9, 1836

l\ly Dear Brother:

No doubt my long silence caused anxious feelings with you and the balance of my friends at home. My situation has been such it was utlcrly impossible for me to give you any information con- cerning myself. After arriving in this country 1 joined myself with the army of Texas and was soon ordered on the frontier of the country. In this situation I was so unfortunate as to be taken prisoner by the Mexican Army with 75 others of my unfortunate countrymen. Our captors marched us to Goliad, where we found a large number of olher prisoners that had been taken a few days previous to our surrender. We had not been in this sih,ation n1any days before orders arrived for all prisoners at Goliad to be shot, but through the humanity of the officer commanding this garrison we (I mean the battalion under the command of W. P. ~liller) were spared by his disobeying the above order, while 415 of my fellow countrymen were exccuLed at sunrise on Sunday, March 27. This was an awful day to me; never shall 1 forget it or the night pre- vious. I thought of home, how my friends would receive the news of a brother being executed in a strange land as a pirale; but through the goodness of God I was spared, but was still kept a prisoner of war until the 19th of May when with 25 olhcrs we made our escape by seizing the guard placed over us and disarming them. The balance of the prisoners could have excaped _also if Lhey had made the attempt, hut poor fellows they let the opportunity pass witJ1ouL effecfo1g their object. Where they now are I am unable lo say, probably made slaves of ere this in Mexico. After getting clear of danger of tl1e ~lexicans we made all possible speed to the Texan Army, which we labored under a good deal of dis• couraging circun:istances; we were ignorant of the situation of our own army; we also had lo pass through a country full of Indians that were enemies lo us; we were without arms, wilhoul provision, and were obliged lo subsisl on grass and nuls thal we found in the woods, We however reached the army on the 25th of May, seven days after our escape from the emenies' prison. Thus you will perceive tliat a soldier's life is not so pleasant al such times.


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