June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


~el I ling boundary lines &c according lo the stipulalions conlaine1l 111 a treaty of peace and Amity between Mexico & the United States. Some say, Lhis important move was sanctioned by the Mexican Minister al Washington; let the pica be what it may - Our old President seemed inclined lo Augment Gaine's force, & to !rive him efficient means lo act in case or emercrency. Two Re11em;nts of mounted Volunteer Riflemen have bee~ required of Louiiiana, & as soon as organized they are to lo lsic J repair to the Head quarters of Genl. Gal11es. Congress was expected to adjourn on the 4th. July Inst. your late commissioner, I believe reached Washington a few days be.fore adjournment. Our Towns & citizens generally, enjoy good health for the season of the year- 1 shall be extremely glad lo hear from you, and will lake it as a favour if you will write to me fully & give what information you can about Texas and her prospects - and whether if I was lo come among you, you would be able to put me al any thing, I could do, that would aid your cause & be serviceable lo myself,?- Please address your letter to New Orleans; because let me be where I will 1 shall be able lo receive it from lhis place. With my sincere wishes for your success & happiness individually & for the success of the Glorious cause of your country, I must conclude by subscribing myself

Your very Ohl. & Humble Servanl and Sincere Friend Alexr Jones

Majr. Genl. M. B. Lamar Commander in Chief of the Texian Army

P. S. I have done nothing but cough all the time [ was pening the preceeding, and wrole, consequently, uncler feelings of. severe indisposition, and in great haste, therefore ex:cusc the rnmbhng and blotled letter I have sent you-

A. J-

[Addressed:] Genl. Mirabeau, 8. Lamar Commander in Chief of the Texian Army- At Hea9 Quarters-


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