June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

rejoined his people in Mexico, the consequences J fear, would have been very disastrous lo Texas - The disposition at one time manifested in favour of his release, was strongly disapproved of, almost universally, in the U. Stales.- News has just reached us, that Mr. Clays resolution reported by him as chairman of the Committee on foreign relations, in favour of Texas indcpendance, has passed the Senate Unanimously. This resolutio,~ fully authorises the Presidenl, lo acknowledge the Independence of Texas, as soon as ever, in his opinion the circumstances of the case will justify his doing so - Or as soon as he feels assured that she has formed a separate and Independent Government & is capable of sustaining it. As soon as that period shall in his judgment arrive, he is authorized lo send a Diplomatic Officer, to Texas - and to receive and accredit a similar officer deputed from your government to ours in return - This is a strong step in favour of your national recognition, by our Government, AU that seems now to be necessary to secure this important measure, is only to convince the old man, that you have got every thing strait, and I have no doubt he wiU promptly act in the premises.- The Creek war is now considered as at an end Jim Henry, & the remaining part of the Hostile Creek lndia[ns) have all been captured, and most of the volunteer companies dischar~ed - The only war we yet have on hand, is with the Seminole Indians in Florida, and from the nature of the active operations now again making lo subdue Lhem, it is believed the war with them will soon be at an end - When our Indian troubles are over, l should not be supprised if your war continues, if you were lo receive many more volunteers from the U. S. if desired.- 2400 Creek Indians are now in this city on their way to the far west - Neo-Mecho and Neo Mathia two of the late hostile chiefs are among the number.- The Hon. Lewis Cass Secretary of War, has been appointed minister to France. Mr. Wm. R. King of Alabama, is spoken of as his successor in the War Departmenl.- GenL Scott has been recalled from the army to Wilshinglon City - and it is said a Court of Enquiry, has been also ordered, to examine into his conduct; relative to the late Seminole and Creek campaignes It is stated, that Genl. Gaines has march(ed] over the ruhicon ~ (the Sah'ine) and taken up his head quarters al Nacagdochez - in Texas - in obedience to the orders of Prcsid[cnt] Jackson, under a plea of restraining the Indians, and


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