lo direct lh.e m.ovcmenl, first against Tampico, or Matamoras, and ~rtcr .capturing 1t lo hold on lo it, as a post lo co-operate with the 111.vaclmg for~e m.arched into the interior, and if practical even to the C,ty of Mexico 1tsel f - I may be mistaken, but I am led lo believe 10000 pick~d troops from the U. Stales would be amply sufficient to ·accomplish successfully this splendid inlcrprize, combined with a moderate naval force to aid them by sea - These remarks, however, are made without my possessing the information you do, on the subject, you can therefore, Judge better than me how far they are reasonable. Of one thing, however, I feel satisfied, let the conc1uest of the. City of Mexico, once be avowed by any popular military leader tn~aged in the cause of Texas, and I will stand security that 10000 Americans will flock to his standard - I could myself I believe raise almost that number in the west by making stump speeches lo them - I would point to the glory and fame lo be won in such an enterprise - The good that would result to mankind by the conquest - The immense wealth, the Gold, & Silver, horded in every Town, city, and church in the empire, to be won, and owned by the hrnve conquerers and deliverers of an ensla,•cd, degraded and superstitious people. - That every soldier would find abundant weallh and realize undying honors in so glorious a conquest - He would have the honor of bearing the flag of freedom and liberty, & planling it in triumph over the walls of despotism, - the inquisilions of priestcrafl, & on the clown fall of suppcrstition and slavery - f-le would spread the blessings and the principles of his own Constitution - and the never dying spirit of his own free institutions over the fairest and most beautiful parts of Gods vast creation where all now is wretchedness and darkness, whose soil is cursed by, and encumbered ~,rith, a yellow skined half civilized race of people, whose only passion is perfidy & bloodshec~, w!1ose ~eatest hatred is that auainst the free, whose ~ealest action 1s lo t:) 1 t:) C oppose & to exterminate the defenders of Liberty.-" These should be some of my arguments J would hold out lo my countrymen, Lo engage them, in so glorious an expedition. If Peter the Hermit, could use arguments sufficient lo arouse whole Kingdoms and principalities, to unite their combine~! forces in. a crusade for the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre - I thmk l could m my mission, use two .irgumcnts for this one, in fa\'our of the Conquest of Mexico!!! I read with much satisfaction your letter addressed to the Cabinet relative to the case and disposition of Santa Ana - and entirely and fully concurred with you in your views upon that subject. Had he been set at liberty, and given permission to have
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