[J. S. Douglass, Head Quarters, Victoria, to Sam Houston, July 19, 1836, commenting on the stale of affairs in Texas, and st~tinrr: ". ·.. In the first place.our military and civil departments should be acttvely purged particularly the laller for it seems to bt' a compound of all ki~1cls of corruption that devils have been heaping together for centuries ... The medical profession is likewise at ii$ lowest ebb ... I _am informe_d ~y many Genl. Rusk being among them that there 1s not at this hme a surgeon general in Texas:· which position he applied for. J · [3742) [JONES lo LAMAR)
New Orleans July 19th. 1836-
Dear Sir
Being on a visit to this place and having an opportunity of dropping a line lo you, I have availed myself of that priviledge- My health has continued more, or less impaired ever since I had the pleasure of meeting with you in Mobile last winter. I left in February last for Georgia anrl from thence traveller! on to Washington City where I spent five weeks attending to some lanrl claims. I afterwards pushed on as far as Boston, via Baltimore - Phila. N. York &c- and then returned as far as Baltimore, from which place l hent my course to the West, and reacher! this City in May last, via, Wheeling Cincinati, Louisville &r.- I am on my seconrl visit to N. OrJeans this sumnu~r - Notwithstanding my extensive tour, my health is yet unrcslored and fluctuating- I am the victim of Rheumatism, and am at this time labouring und1:r the effects of a horrible cold that threatens seriously, the integrity of my lun~s. If my health and constitutional vigor had been as good recently as it was formerly, I should long ere this have joined your standard and the Cause of Texas - which al all times has rer.eiverl my ardent. support, wishes and prayers for her s11r.ress - I have watched the progress of her affairs with the deepest interest & felt for her struggles, her misfortunes and her triumphs with the Keetlesl anxiety. In whatever part of the States I have been during the pasl six months I have defended her cause and her people against the calumnies and slanders of her enimies; with nil the humble influenr.,~ I could·bring lo bear on the subject-
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