June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


Executive Deparlmc11t Velasco l9th July 1836.

To the Hon Bailey Hardiman Secy. of Tre.isury Sir

By the accompanying letter from James Harris agP.nl for P. Colwell Q. l\l. G. protem. you will discover that lwo hundred dollars are necessary to relieve Lhe Stores now on board the William a11d Frances which are detained by tlie master for freight. You are authorized and required, to make arrangements for the payment of lhis sum by bill or otherwise. David G Our net 19th July 1835 Sent l\lcKinncy & Williams Dft One Day sight on Sam. M Williams at the Counting Room of T Toby & Bro New Orleaus for S200 Two Hundred Dollars [3740} [BURNET to SMITH and LANDEN]

Executive Department Republic of Texas Velasco 19th July 1836

To W. M. Smith M.D. & George Landen M .D. Gent.

I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of yours of 17th June, recommending the appointment of Dr Rennell of Erie Pa., to the Medical Staff of our Army. It is with undissembled pleasure Lhal we witness the gener- ous and philanthropic disposition of gentlemen, in all the higher walks of life, to participate in our struggle for emancipation from an unprincipled, superslitious and bigoled despotism. Bul in Lhe particular department of the service, to which your recommenda- tion refers, we are already abundantly furnished.

Very respectfully Your Oht Servt David G Burnet.


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