June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

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near Red river. lie says thal his uncle came 150 miles in two days to the Shawnee village, about 40 miles from tltis place. He says that all the Americans have gone to lite fort al Kiamichi from the surrounding con11try. He says that, after the fall of the "Alamo," the Spaniards gave the Camanchcs a greal many good guns, am- munition, &c.; thal a great many lnclia11s arc watching the big road - from Nacogdoches to San Antonio, and at lite crossings of tlie Trinity, Neije, Brazos, and Colorado rivers; that the Indians (twelve tribes in number) have placed nil llteir olcl men, women, a11d children, al Ll1c three forks of lhe Tri11ily for safety. He says that he docs not know, hut he believes that the Caddocs arc will1 them. I-le says there arc a great many Indians collccled together. He alsu slates ll,al one hundred soldiers and one hundred volun• leers were out in pursuit of the lndian murderers, and that they had nol returned, and were probably all killed. The murders look pla1.:e about four or five miles above old Delaware town, in tltc Sulplmr furk of Red river. "Spy Buck's" uncle reported lltat the drngoons would nol leave Fort Towson in co11scq11c11ec of the Indian hostilities there. lle says that Ll1c roads an<l prairies arc fill wilh lndians, who whatch them constantly This report is fully believed at tl1is place; and whether true or 1Lot, I co11siclcr il my duly lo inform you of it in full, as the l11clia11 .. Spy Buck" is well known lterr. for integrity, in consc• quc11ce of which, lie was sent here with the information; he is brother lo the chief of the Shawnees. J bP.licvc that he believes all he lias slated; but whether true or false, 1 am unable lo say. I think some parls incorrect, as the express most prolrnuly ha<l not reached Fort Towsom at the time or informant left there. l also forward you a package l received yesterday from Robertson's colony in relation to Indian Affairs. Most of the wagons containing provisions have arrived, some are still upou the ro,1d, as so011 as or whc11cwcr I can obtain autl,enlic information, I shnll advise you of il imrncdiatcly. With grcnl respect, l have the l1onor lo he your ob<'dir11l servant,

Jos. nonndl, li-l licul. 3d infantry.

To Maju1· Gnneral E. P. Cai11cs, Com'g Wcslern dept., Camp Sabine. La.

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