June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

been displaced & a creature of the Co,·crnmenl put in his office several instances of the same kind as Vasque-L., comandantc de Vera Cruz, had said that he & his Lroops would still obey Santa Anna even tho' a prisoner, the Govt. thought s1ratagcm & force necessary, therefore with great difficulty having raised 3000 men, destined as they said for Texas, via Vera Cruz, their men were actually on the march to emburk, but Vasquez received a hint & forthwith said to Government, these men shall not enter Vera Cruz, and shortly after another feller in which he says if you wish to measure weapons with me say so at once & we will try it. He holds the Customhouse, pays regularly his soldiers & is rather a stumbling block lo Valencia, Tornel & Goel knows how many others would be great men at the cxpence of their master S. Anna. Valencia & Torncl had a violent c1uarrcl in presence of Corro each using intemperate & indecent language. "When rogues fall out &c" The 3,000 men received orders to countermarch & were sent in parties of 5 & 600 to put clown in Oaxaca & other places some small revolutionary movements - When I left this with you, i\Jcxia had in his company here many officers & other facciosos - I asked after one, he has gone to Tampico - another, to Vera Cruz - another, to Campeachy &c &c in obedience to advice received from Mexico. Mexico, i\lay 21 - . . . advising you that S. A. had been made prisoner, of course they prepare large forces to revenge the nation, but they will not be ahle Lo do any thing, because they have not command of any money and it is the general opinion that they will nol be able lo ohtain more & that things will go back to what they were- from a Frenchman, 25 i\lay - Govemment is sending lo Texas 2,000 men as he does not want to agree to whnt may decide S. A- Vern Cruz, May 29 - This posl was closed on the 23d. 3,000 men uncle~ C~naliro are said to be coming clown to embark for Texas - 1t 1s also rumored that Arista will accompany them - the capture of Santa Annn has excited great indignation- The Enulish Packets being M of W. cannot be stopped by tJ1e closing of tl~e port - I send this by one via Havana- Various extracts from letters rec'd by me-

Respectfully yours Geo. I.. Hammckcn



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