large land holders? Why are they not here fighting for the Dukedoms? Are they still in Bishops Hotel, Orleans drinking mint slings? Are their principalities to be defended by the mere substitutions of one man who they may employ for then or twenty Dollars? ls our blood to be spilt in defending their immcnce estates upon these principles & then ourselves to be abused for any exiqency which the fortunes of War may create? For one I am willing & determined lo devote my life in this War to the defence of the poor men, women & children in this country. But these Land Mongers who lake such particular pains to keep out of danger I hope will be remembered on the day of reckoning. I have the consolation that hereafter no man will accuse me of selfish motives in entering into this War for in your darkest hour before your glorious Battle was fought c..~ when your country could not buy one pound of Bread or amunition I sacrificed considerable property & morgaged the rest so supply her wants. Now, Sir, I have the proud reflection to know that these exertions of mine are fceding the Army, and gives us means to carry the War into the enemies home. Having much to do in organizing of the Army I have but Little time to write which I hope will be sufficient excuse for not writing as particular as I ought, I shall be pround to hear from you soon and at length.
Very Respectfully your obt & humble Servant & friend Thos. J. Green Brigadier General Texas Army
New.Orleans July 18/1836
Genl. S. F. Austin Velasco
Dear Sir. A person read to me this morning dated Mexico June 17, written by a friend of Tomei & of the present Government the substance of which as well as J can recollect was. On hearing of the capture of Santa-Anna the Govt., with difficulty concealing their satisfaction, at the same time in the news papers expressed indignation &c. &c. Tomei _Minist~r of War, addressed a circular to the different comandants mform111g them of the said event & hoping Lhat nothing would be done to dislurb _la order,. The Commander at Tampico, who had vLc;ited Mexia, because generally known as attached lo S. A. has for Lhis reason
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