the Free people of Texas in an amount which will never he discharged but by their mortal termination. You My dear Sir know & can appreciate my motives-I have risked my all for the Liberty of Texas & will cheerfully risk my existence aaain & a"ain for her. In acting thus conscientiously, I expect to rec:ive my full share of aJ)Use as you & most other faithful sentinels in the cause have done before me-Already I understand, I am abused by the Government and a few miserable dogs around them, as a military usurper for thwarting that infamous arrangement in sending Santa Anna home. Now they will renew and redouble it for my not receiving their new appointment as commander in Chief which I believe mainly aimed- al your prostration from personal pique. Let it come r will meet it as the listless wind, But should any of their miserable creatures get impertinent, I will punish them with as little compunction of conscience as T would the thieving Wolf. Upon this enough- Let me ask-how are you? When can you get to the Army? I advise you to come as soon as you can do so without personal injury, We have at present a strong Army about 2200 present much news of more upon the march Lo us. Now is our time to strike the fatal blow. i\latamoras is weak & much frightened, the recruiting service goes on in the intcriort soon the invading Army will be upon us stronger than ever, If the Cabinet will answer our request for Boats & supplies we can be in Matamoras in 20 days. If we cannot hold it, We can Burn and destroy it, as Old Hickory did the Sewanee Towns-Break up the the nest & the bird will squander. Then let us fortify Brasos San Iago and build the town anew al that place,- I think all our boys will go with us, some of tJ1e cowardly citizens who want some excuse for going home pretend to be knowing upon this subject & say not go, 1 think however the most of them will go it- I believe the General Officers present are popular. General Felix Huston is ordered to advance with the cavalry about 500 strong to the St. Antonio & the Army \Yill follow & fit out from Copano. The plan will be to cooperate by sea with the vessels & Boats, attack Brasos San Jago at the same time our land forces appear before Matamoras. More of tJ1is hereafter you no doubt have heard of the studied policy of our cabinet to destroy the Army, not only be scattering & failing to supply it with provisions but by sloping recruits from the United States. This conduct is infamous beyond expression and deserves the severest reprobation of every patriot. We have sent for Santa Anna to the Army & hold him we will & hold him safely-another interference for. hi~ untimclf _libe~ation will cause the actors to lose, as they will III my op1111on JUStly deserved, their heads. Let me ask you in Gods name where are the
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