June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

place seven or eight months in the year, for five or six thousand dollars. It has been navigable for large boats here since the middle of April. There is but no raft below of any importance. Our excellent Admiral Shreeve will take that out in a week or ten days. There is one pass from the sea into the bay, as I am assured, which affords from six to seven feel water at low tides. [E. P. Gaines) (3735) [GREEN to HOUSTON)

Head Quarters near Victoria July 18th 1836

To Majr. Gent Samuel Houston commander 1n chief of the Texas Army Dear Sir

Before this you doubtless have been informed of your being superceded in command by the appointment of Col M. B. Lamar, a gentleman of high standing & known gallantry, personally objectionably to but few. This Gentleman about twenty days after his appointment presented himself to the Army and asked to be received in his official character. The Army with a proper estimate of personal considerations for Genl. Lamar, but estimating still higher what was due to themselves & their rightful organization, refused to receive him as such by an overwhelming majorit-y. I had yielded precedence to Genl. Rusk as a matter of courtesy, not of right. My commission was of equal dignity & older than Genl. Rusk, but I was a comparative stranger, & thought it unright to take command out of his hands when he had gone through the hardships of the previous campaign, was an older citizen and had just been at the head of the War Department, But when fifteen hundred of the Army out of sixteen or seventeen hundred did refuse to receive the appointment of Genl. Lamar, & threw themselves upon the Officer I had yielded the command and that Officer afterwards turning this immence majority without consulting them over to Genl Lamar, the very man who they ha.d just refused to acknowledge and bel.ieving this act would dissolve & destroy the Army 1 wrote the within letter to Genl. Rusk. This letter as you may expect caused a second hearing of the Army, which resulted in their former determination. Upon which Genl. Lamar, very properly declined the command. Things now I hope in God, will work better. If this Army shouJd be dissolved by any act of ours ineficient and embecile cabinet, or the exertions of any living individual they or him will be responsible to


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