June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

riages for transporling his provisions." The fact alleged in your excellency's communication is Lhe firsl initmation the undersianed has recei~ed of the movement of Genera:! Gaines on Nacogdo;hcs, or that l11s Goven1ment contemplated such a measure. He cannot, therefore, in the absence of informalion, either direct or indirect, enter into an explanation of a matter, which, to say the least of it, must be exceedingly questionable. In a spirit of the utmost frank- ness, the undersigned will at all limes take great pleasure in enter- ing in lo an explanation of l(Uestions upon which he feels himself authorized Lo act; but, as lie is without instrnctions in regard Lo the last suggestion made in i\lr. ~lonasterio's note, he respectfully decli11es to opeo a discussion on that subject. The President of the United Stales has on all occasions man if es led an earnest desire lo preserve a good understanding be- hvecn the two nations, based on the foundation of a just and faithful discharge of aU his public duties Lo this country. Believing the same motives musl influence the Supreme ~lcxican Govern• ment to secure that important objeel, the undersigned confidently relics Llial no doubtful and unofficial statement will be deemed a sufficient cause to interrupt the friendly relations so happily sub- sisting between the two republics. The undersigned has Lhc honor to repeal to Mr. ~lonasterio the assurance of his great respect and distinguished consideration.

Powhatan Ellis.

To His Excellency Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs. (3734) [GAINES to----]

. Camp Sabine, July 18, 1836. The troops here enjoy as much health as 1 have ever witnessed in any part of the U. States. We are now in Lents-we have good water from several springs-excellent subsistence and other supplies, and in abundance. We expect lo hear_of some hard fighting in Texas soon-I arn still convinced that nothmg but force, and that of a number and description rendering it disposable and imposing, will preserve this frontier and the disputed territory from assault. We will make something of the S<1bin next foll and winter. We can render it navigable for small steamboats to this


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