June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

V. S. con el dragon Delgadillo para que me acompanara hasl'a esta ciudad, y dejo la conclusion de ella por las enfcrmedades y razones que tengo dicho a V .S. verhalmenle; creyeado al mismo tiempo que era inutil cuando presento el oficio el Ecsmo. Sr. general D. Vicente Filisola del que acompano copia, y ademas quedaron en poder del Sr Capitan Salinas otros oficios del mismo general, relativos a la marcha de la guarnicion a este punto sin mi conocimiento. Protesto a V. S. las seguriclades de mi dislinguida consideracion y aprecio - Dios y la Iey julio 18 de 1836. - Juan Davis Bradburn. - Al Sr. comandanle general en gefe del ejercito de operaciones sohre Tejas.


Collectors Office New Orleans July 18, 1836


This will be handed you by H. M. Morfil Esqr. a Gentleman who comes introduced to me from the highest authority, he goes to your country on business of some importance lo himself, and may need information and advice from one in whom he can rely. I must therefore beg of you, to extend to this Gentleman during his stay in Texas, your usual polite attention and hospitality, making him known to such persons as may he necessary. With sentiments of high Respect

I am Sir Your obt sert Jas. W. Breedlove

Genl. S. F. Austin Texas


:VJexico, July 18, H336. The undersigned, charge d'affaires of tlie United Stales of America, has had the honor to receive the note of the 8th instant, addressed to him by your excellency, stating Lhal "the American General Caines, who is on the frontier of this republic, has re- ceived orders from his government to advance imme<liaLcly Lo Nacogdoches with all his disposable forcei and that, in conse- quence thereof, he had taken steps Lo procure the ncccessary car-


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