me in_ defense of the civil authority; he sees his own power de~artmg as wel_l as mine_; L~e whole _has been produced by his desire of promotion, and fmdmg that his new allies are not aiminu at his suppo!l but at their own aggrandizement he is willin~ ti co-operate wit~ ~e; but I fear that nothing that he can now do will be o_f any scn'lse m the cause of restoring-that authority which his prev10us conduct has prostrated. M. BL- [3728) [MILLER to HOUSTON] rWilliam P. Miller, 1st Regt. Infantry, to Sam Houston, July 17, 1836, entreating him to join the army, stating that "by a new turn of the Holch potch or Leagerdemain work of the Cabinet Col. l\1. Lamar has assumed the Command as Major Genl. of the Army contrary to the wishes of the army in full meeting assembled you may rest well assured that none of his Orders as such will be obeyed • . • your presence m Camp is all can save the Army or the Country...•"]
[3729) [ROGERS to AUSTIN J Rogersville East Tennessee July 17th 1836
Dear Sir
I recd a teller a short time since from my Son John A Rogers dated al New Orleans in which he advised me that you are waiting al that place and that he would join you and sail on the San Jacinto for Galveston Bay in company he was the only Son of sufficient age to trust alone I hope Sir he may be a useful boy to the Colony from the late advises from ~Icxico they arc determined to send another army to Texas if such an event is likely to take place advise me as early as possible I will come to your aid and bring with me a band of Tennyseeans thal will do l think honor to themselves. J have no doubt if tile Mcxic:ms sclHl auotltcr army into Texas if required 20. or 30. thousand volunteers can be had & should that number make a start they will not slop in Texas. l am astonished al the folly of the Mexicans. The Uuitcd Stales wish no more Territory than we ltavc already but if they provoke matters any f urLhcr Ll1eir leaders will suffer for it. I enclose you a lcttrr for my son have it delivered or sent to him advise me of your mov~
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