remains and is preclominanl. This is nol all, hy our dcclaralion of independence the war has become nalional and no act of Santa Anna will be recognised by his governmcnl. By Augusl Lhe enemy will again be upon our borders reinforced and under another Commander in chief. It therefore behoves us lo push forward with our victories and meet him again before he is prepared for us; and for this troops are necessary.
I have the honour to he with high consideration Your most obedient Servt T. Jefferson Chambers Genl. C.A.R.
Nashville 7th 1836 To the Hon. Sarni. P. Carson
Secretary of stale Republic of Texas
June 7th 1836 Munisapalities of Austin & Harrisburg
To the Hon. Cabinet of Texas Sirs
We the undersigned Citizens of the above named munisapa- lities respectfully petition that you on no consideration aUow Genl. Santa anna to leve Texas, or any other Mexicans officers until the Independence of Texas is acknowledged by the Mexican government and all the guarantees given lo us wich she can give your petitioners would suggest that the proposed mode of effecting a treaty viz (by sending Gent Santa anna off Vera Cruz) is extreamly dangrous considering the raithlessncss of the nalion with whom you have to treat. Your petitioners consider thal a single vesel could be easily overpowered by an overwhelming force-and in case or a calm she could easly be taken by small crafl she also might be wrecked and the crew compclcd to make the shore to save Lhcre lives and you must know that Santanna friends would make any sacririce of lives or honour lo obtain the liberation of there leader and therefore we would suggest the proprity of moving him
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