Mexican govt. Cols. Menar<l & Wheelock & our ~lexican friend Don Juan Placcdo [ Lorn I few days ago, just from our army on Guadaloupe & say our forces are 1700 & daily increasing- that the Mexicans are embodying a considerahle army al Matamoras & other points on the Rio Grande & Genl. Urea declares his intention of waging a war of extermination pulling to death men women & children, but if we get the assistance we expect from the U.S. it is more than probably he wiU not a second time have the pleasure of seeing Lhe Colorado, for almost every man in the whole country is turning out, but few are now at home, & Lhey are preparing to do which il is my intention to do. This letter is directed to J no Rice but he must sent it to his sister lo read. I wish my children lo write to me often. Your mother sends her love lo you. 1 am dear children your affectionate father Jno. R. Jones [Addressed:] Mr. Jno. R. Jones Junr. SL. Louis
[3727] (LAMAR to BURNET}
Head Quarters 17th July 1836
To His Excellency President Burnet
Dear Sir - I have jusl recd several letters from you on various subjects, Lo none of which have 1 time lo reply at present; I have but five minutes to dictate this note to let you know the dreadful state of affairs in the army. Every thing is in the utmost confusion and rebellion. On my arrival, l was informed that I could not be recognized as Commander in Chief. I proposed to speak to the Soldiers, and did so, but was answered by Rusk, Greene and Felix Houston who carried the popular currant against me. I had un open rupture with Ge11I. Rusk believing it lo be the secret arran~mts of his to supplant me. Some hostile correspondence ensued; which, instead of leadinlJ to further difficulties has resulted in this arrangement viz fhat he is lo rcC0!71 0 1isc mv orrlers in future; that , ' . the regulars and about 6 or 8 volunteer companies are to ~rnrch to another encampment under my Command; where l shall issue my
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