[3724] [COCHRAN to MORGAN}
Camp Travis Galveston Island July 17th. 1836
To Col James Morgan, Sir,
My feelings were in no time all disgrace wounded by a rem~k made use of by you in your tent yesterday Afternoon, relative to the frequency of you having seen the Mexican Murga in my tent. Your observation was that "you were at a loss to Know why Murga was so often in my tent." I can readily explain this doubt. Since his release he has been unwell, and Visited me both on his own account and also on that of the Sick Officers in Camp. His Visits after his convalescence became disagreeable to me, and I gave him intimation to that effeel, which has put a stop to them. The Spanish Manta the which induced you to suppose "That I had invited him lo Stay with me" I have had for a number of years and brought with me from the United Stales. I hope this explanation will Satisfy you Sir and remove your doubts, If sir, I have put a wrong construction on your remarks, I shall feel much gratified, as I had hoped that I [illegible) Some Show of your esteem. I have endeavoured to do my duty Since I have been on this Island in rendering professional Services to the Sick, and hope I have given So (illegible]. My feelings may have been to Sensible, as to the import of your observations, but I assure you they were to me of a Suspicious character on you~ Side towards me.- It would gratify me much to hear an explanallo~ ~f your remarks, and at the Same time I would respectfully Sobc1t your permission to leave Galveston Island.
J Am Respectfully, Yr Obdt Servant Richa. Cochran Lt.
To Col. James Morgan
Commd. Camp Travis
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