June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


[3721 J [TOBY to BURNET}

New Orleans July 16 1836

To his Exccllcnc:y D. G. Burnetl President of the Republic of Texas Sir

We arc without any of your favors since our last-The Ban1uc Chs P. Williams arrived yesterday from Matagorda, also the Sch. Camanche from your place & to day the Julius Ceasar- We hope ere this the Independence has reached you in safety, she left the Balize 11 lnst Our dales from Washington here lo 30 ulto-Thc order of the following day was the acknowledging of the Independence of Texas. Some of the members were for postponing it to the 4 Inst-Mess: Grayson & Collinsworth should have reached there about that time The Flora sails to day has on board for a/c the Governe- ment 500 Cartridge Boxes, Bayonet Belts & Scabbard & 10,000 Musket & Rine Flints ru; p Bill Lading Enclosed-This is all we would ship by her.- We have under way 500 caps & 500 Haver• sacks, as also the Tin Canisters for Shot. We cannot execute the whole of the order until we are in funds & il can be raised out of the Scrip lo be issued for the first Loan effected here-We hope you have sent il up, as it would enable us al once to furnish all the supplies necessary- The Flora has on board about one hundred volunteers a fi11e set of men, part of the Regiment of the Ladies Cavalry of Louisville-We have shipped them with a few Rifles shirts provi- sions shoes &c- The Brig Good Hope we have chartered & leaves for Gal- veston on Tuesday-She will lake about 120 Volunteers partly raised in this city- It has been some Lime since we have had an arrival from Mexico & the Presumption is that all the vessels arc embargoed al Matamoras & Tampico Yours Respectrully Thomas Toby & Bro.

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