June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

protection of the South Western frontier, a regiment of Mounted Gunmen, Volunteers, lo be composed of Ten Companies of not more than one hundred men each, will be forthwith received inlo the service of the United States, from this State. Relying on the characteristic readiness of my fellow citizens, to meet the calls of their country, I have not deemed it expedient to resort to any other mode of raising the required number of troops, that a solicitation of their volu11tary services. Whert the Natioual honor or interests are to be sustained, it is confidently expected and believed Lhat an appeal to the gaUantry and patriotism of the citizens of Kentucky, is all that is necessary to insure a full and ready compliance with the requisitions of the constituted authorities, and that the present occasion will he attended with the same exemplary displays of public spirit and love of country, which have so conspicuously distinguished their past history. It need only be added, that it is due to the high character maintained by them in the estimation of our sisler Slates, that this call for their services should be fully and speedily met. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed. James T. Morehead. By the Lieut. and Aeling Governor.

Austin P. Cox, Secretary of State.



Head Quarters Victoria July 16th 1836

To Capt. J. W. E. Wallace

You will as early as practicable in the morning remove from your present encampment lo De Leon's Rancho on the Garcito, where you will in conjunction wilh Capt. [lorn j Company encamp untill further orders. You will arrest all persons who may be found deserting from the Army, and bring them back and report them at Head Quarters. By Order of

Thos. J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Sarni. Dexter Aid de Camp


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