June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

disposing of tl~e voice of .1500 Freemen just spoken on the subject. I say 1f I recognize any other commander in Chief than Major . Ge~l Sm1:1 Houston until he is lawfully disposed of-( recogmze m President Burnet more power than the Kinas of France & England [ illegible J Upon the subject I want an early°conferet1ce. Very respectfully,

your obt & hum svt Thomas J. Green Brig. Genl. Texas Army

to Genl Rusk commanding True copy Leon Dyer A.D.C.


Velasco July 16, 1836

To Lieut. Col. Millard Commandg. Dear Sir,

It is my special request that you appoint two or more suitable men to Examine my office and to report the stale of it to the Commander in Chief. I have requested the President to do so frequently but he has 11ol altcndcd to my request, you will therefore lose no time in attending tu it Sir Respectfully &c A Huston Qr Mr Gen) [3719) . [MOREHEAD PROCLAMATIONj Executive Department, Frankford, July 16, 1836. I, James T. Morehead, Lieutenant and Acting Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, do hereby make known, that in conformity with the request of the President of lhe United States, communicatc:d through the Secretary of War, and the requisition of Major General Gaines, commanding the forces for the Proclamation.

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