June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

convenient lo join the detachment on its line of march, wiU be ordered to rendezvous at some point other than the place of general rendezvous in Frankford. The corps is destined for Camp Sabine the head quarters of Major General Gaines, of the United States Army, commanding on the South Western frontier. Generals of Divisions and Brigades are specially charged with the promulgation of this order; and aU officers of every grade, are directed to unite and use their utmost diligence in filling the companies with as little delay as praclicable. Reports of the progress made in furnishing the quote required, must regularly be made to this office weekly, as on the first intimation of a failure to raise the number of troops required, (an event which the Governor and Commander in Chief is not wiUing to believe, and will not anticipate,) immediate resort will be had for supplying such deficiency by draft, or ordering into service, independent corps, en masse, to fiU the requisition. By order of the Acting Governor and Commander in chief. P. Dudley, Adjutant General. [3716] . [FUENTE Lo the PUBLIC] LJuan de la Fuente, Mexico, to the Public, July 16, 1836, promulgating a decree opening the port of Matamoros to the importation of military provisions during the war with Texas, assigning those provisions to the expeditionary force, and exempting supply trains going lo the army.]

[3717] [GREEN to RUSK)

Head Quarters Victoria July 16, 1836

Dear Sir

Several officers of the Army is now at my Quarters & inform me that arrangements are now making between yourself and General Lamar by which you are to transfer the command of the Army to that [iJlegible] and aJI others I have heard express an opinion upon the subject do so with astonishment and surprise. 1 must by your [illigible] before )'OU do an act by which you not only destroy the Army but ruin yourself by transfering and


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