June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

witlH\~o,;1\s !win;,?; ahscnl :uul havin~ slated what he l'.X f)l '.t :l<~d to prc,vc•. hy the al,~cnl witness. Which was not lhou~hl nwlcrial lo lht: isi-;uc and the court over ruli'.(l his application. Tiu: hour havin~ expire:,! the court adjourned until tomorrow 10 oclk. I-lead Quarters Victoria July l4th IB:J6 .I W B1111l o 11 .lmlµ;c: J\clvoc:alc July lSth 1B36 Tl11: 1:011rl mcl ahrrccablc lo mljo11r111ncnl tile prci-iclrnl read . tlu: confession of Danid Boon which threw hinuwlf upon th,: mcn:y of the court. The i:asc of privalc l>anic:I Bc:111011 was I l1c:11 posponc:d. Then lit~r~l I\ .I Mcfarlin was lirou~lit hdorc the co11rl ;11111 [tom J plead jw,lificolion to the: char~c & spc:t:ific:alion prc:fcrt:d a~ainsl him. After hearing the (!vidcrn:1! tlu'. court look time for clcliheration & the cuurl then look up that of Oanicl Benion ancl determined as the case then stood ii was 1111ne.c1:ssary lo l1car any further evidence ancl took time for consiclcral ion. The case of private John Mt:nry was taken up and tlw prisoncir hrou~ht before the court a111I hacl permission lo make any explanation he desired hul clccliru:d whic:h left him ai- ycslf:rday pleading guilty and upon the m«:rcy of lhc court. The cases tak<:11 jointly that is SN~I /\ J McFarli11 of c:om & mgl aforesaid, and priv.ilcs Oavid Bc:111011 anti John f lc:nry wus tl11i11 pasl lo thr, members and it was d,~tcrminc:d that lhcy was f,!;Hilly as char~crl.

J. W. Bu11lo11 Judf,!;1! J\clvoc:all'

(3713) I TOHN EL lo Ilic PUBLIC I

I Jose Maria Tornd, M,:xic:o, to 1h1'. P11hlic, July I:,, 1u:t<,, announcing that Liu: families of the M,:xic;an forces who ar1· held prisoners in Texas arc lo receive the: pay of the one: hdrl prisoner, half lo he paid l,y the gov11rnmc11l ancl half hy th<'.ir place of r1:i--ick11cc , I


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