oul of her, il is oul of Lhe line of r'ny department, & properly belongs lo Lhe Commissary but knowing as l do Ilic deplorable situation of the troops l feel as though I could nol in justice to them & lo my own conscience refrain from requesting your honor to have the Regular troops al the lsla11<l amply supplied Lefore the cargo of lhe Fanny Butler is brought away. These arc the men that have fough l the battles of our,country I they have nol shared in the spoils of tlte victory, nor have they had one cent from the Govt eillter in cloalhing or money. I do hope for the llonor of our cause you will order Lltcse men cloathed before that cargo leaves the Jsland. Col. Morgan in his letter lo me says, "Do something for us I pray you, and for God's sake <lont Jct the cargo of the F. Butler be ordered from here, without all the Garrison is ordered away too! Nor then unless first cloathed helter" I do sincerely hope something will he done for the im- mediate relief of these troops, to my knowledge some of them have but one shirt, but they have been paticnl in waiting the movement of Lite Govl officers, but l fear a Mutiny if lhal cargo should be brought off without giving them the necessary wpplics. Sir I have the honor to be Your Ob. &c Servl. &c A Huston Qr 1\lr Genl To The Ho11ble lite Seery of War at Velasco (3712) (McFARLIN ET AL COURT MARTIAL] Proceedings of a general court martial ordered for the trial of Sergt A J McFarlin of Com C 1 Reg Infantry Texas Army an<l privates Daniel Benton private of Com C Lsl Rgt Infantry Regular Army of Texas and private John Henry com C Regl aforesaid all charged with desertion preferecl by Capt Lynch comd of said com consisting of Lt Col Moorehouse Presiden t, Majr Ward Capts Poe Milroy Wiggington and Lt Snively. The courl having been organized Proceeded to tria I jointly. The charges and specifications ha\'ing been read to the prisoners Sgt McFnrlin and privale Henry pica guilty and throwed themselves on the mercy with permission to make an explanation in there behalf. Private Daniel Benton pica not guilty and that he was not ready for trial on the account one of his
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