June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

them talk untill you have, after considering the enclosed, given me your instructions.

I am my dear sir very sincerely your friend John Forsyth

[To Andrew Jackson]

(3710) [HUSTON to BURNET]

Velasco 15th July 1836

Dear Sir

I have been called upon lo make a statement to your Ex- cellency in regard to the articles purchased of John J Linn-The understanding was Lo give him a draft on the agent Col. Triplett at New Orleans at 30 Days, but, in order to assist i\lr Linn to pay the freight on his goods I drew on the agent for S330 at sight, this was done as an accornodation I was then ordered East by the Actg Seely of War and as the goods has not been delivered the matter was left open they were afterwards however delivered to l\lr Jack then Actg Quarter !\faster at Galveston & many more than I hought. Some that I possitively told ~Ir Linn I would not purchase for instance, a qu.:.ntity of Liquors. The amount that I expected to draw for on the Agents at 30 Days would tiol Exceed Eleven or 12 hundred Dollars I have the honor to be Sir Your Ob St &c A Huston Qr Mr Genl To His Excellency D G Burnet President of the Republic of Texas (3711 J [HUSTON to SECRETARY OF WAR] Velasco July 15, 1836. Dear Sir, I have just received several communications from different officers at Galveston & from Lhe Commander at that Post calling loudly for cloatJ,ing for the troops at that place stating that there is a quantity of the articles on the Fanny Butler and wishing me to use my influence lo have an order for the troops to be supplied


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